General Dental Care in Nelson

happy dentist
“Access Dental provides comprehensive Dental Care from cleaning and whitening to repairing and replacing infected, damaged or broken teeth, rebuilding your dental appearance and preventing further dental damage. Annual checkups are important. If you are in pain or discomfort, call us now for an appointment.”

In addition to Restorative Services, Access Dental provides comprehensive dentistry services.

Easing Dental Anxiety

We have introduced various techniques to ensure our patients are not apprehensive about visiting us. If you are concerned about any of the following then please ensure you let us know before your appointment as there are measures we can take to help.
This is common and simply altering the position of the dental chair to a sitting position can help. We also have rubber dams that stop liquid going into your mouth which can make you gag.
While we use state-of-the-art equipment the noise of the dental handpiece can be disconcerting for some patients. If this is the case for you, please request ear plugs or feel free to bring along your own music. If at any time you feel you need a break from treatment – just raise your hand.

We offer local anaesthetic prior to treatments, and use numbing gel before administering the local to avoid feeling the injection. If you should feel any discomfort at all rasie your hand and treatment will then be reassessed.

Many people suffer from dental anxiety – we can help you with this! Just let our team know on or before arrival.

Routine Checkups

Your dentist will recommend how often to have routine checkups. Many people should see their dentist once or twice a year. 

They will examine your teeth and gums for signs of tooth decay, gingivitis, and other health problems, and recommend treatment.  Treatment plans are provided with an estimate of costs.

Dental Hygiene

Your Access Dental Dental Hygienist will clean your teeth by scraping hard mineral buildup (tartar) off your teeth with a small metal tool. Then they will floss your teeth, use a polishing compound, and apply fluoride. Cleanings usually aren’t uncomfortable.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are designed to provide a foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth. 

To receive an implant, you need to have healthy gums and enough bone to support the implant. 

An anchor and post are placed in your jawbone. The anchor functions as the tooth root and is made from metals such as titanium. 

The post extends out of the anchor and a crown is attached to the post. It takes 3 to 6 months for the jawbone to grow around the anchor and hold it in place.

Restorative Treatments

If you have decay or tooth damage, you may require fillings, crowns, veneers, bridges, dentures, root canal treatments, etc. If a tooth can’t be saved it may require extraction. 

This may be the case for Wisdom Teeth that are causing pain. Access Dental takes every effort to make extractions pain free.